Friday, 30 December 2011
It's that time of year again...

Monday, 3 October 2011
The look on your face suggests that this is a bad idea...
The teeshirt I bought is worn at least once a week, sometimes to work, sometimes to the gym, I like glancing in the mirror and seeing Winner emblazoned across my chest. It actually gets worn more than my 'Triathlon' teeshirt. Perhaps I am more proud of this achievement. Perhaps I was so pleased with how it went, I'm thinking of doing it again.
Nanowrimo 2010. completed. 50,000 words in the month of November written. story created, character developed.
Namowrimo 2011 is next.
I like to tell people that I am an office bod by trade, and a writer by heart. They like to smile and nod and say 'Isn't that lovely, have you had anything published?' then i look shamefaced and say that other than university stuff and a local writers group (both of which ended a number of years ago) I have not tried. Not really any way. Perhaps that is why the challenge of Nanowrimo appeals so much, I had never considered that I would even have 10,000 words of a novel in me, let alone somehow find a character to write 50,000 words on. I am quite proud of the story so far, the protagonist is a lot like me, but I like making up things for her to do, decisions that I might never get the chance to make, and risks that I wouldn't take, she has formed into this 20 something woman who i'd be proud to know.
Once you've written the 50,000 they don't tell you that you then have to edit it, to form it into something that someone else might want to read. That has been my problem, 10 months later, my novel has pen all over it, but that is it. It is no further forward.
So despite my at present hectic life, who knew developing a passion for sports and activities would take up so much time, I am thinking that November 2011 is going to be the next step. 1 month. 50,000 words. Not a new story, no new characters, just the next step along her story. I might be crazy. Annie's tale will be 100,000 give or take. My lunch breaks will be taken up, evenings when I'm not at training, weekends when I am not visiting people, jotted ideas scribbled across so many pages that I will get lost a little.
But I will report back, I will let you know whether I am a winner on the 1st December. Maybe someone might want to read it, maybe, just maybe, I can submit it to see if they'll publish it, then I might be able to reply to anyone who asks, 'yes, I'm a published author'.
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
'Atom and Dream'
(c) ninja921.wordpress.com
If you have ever ventured into the relms of Jeannette Winterson's vast collection of books, and stumbled across 'The Power Book' and read it, you may not have understood it, you may have enjoyed it, but you will know what the quote/title above means. It's been a theme in my live since the moment that I opened that book, it, in mind and my reading of the quote, covers the whole of existence in three words, there is the living, real world, and there are our dreams, our hopes our fears and our desires. I love that we are made of just two elements, there is the me, the physical me, and there is the me inside my head*.
Recently I have been trying to improve both these.
Before any comments are had that 'you are you, don't change' it is not about changing me, it is about becoming the best me that I can be, it is about taking what I have, the skills and the dreams and making my life count for something, even if it is just for me. (Cue singing dancing number from Glee as you imagine that I proudly fist pump and dance out of the room.)
If you have read this blog before you will probably know that I am doing a Triathlon (400m Swim, 19km Bike Ride and a 5km run), those of you out of my inner circle may also need to know that I have just joined a women's rugby team. For a very long time I have just accepted my body, my abilities, the way it moves, the way I am. And I like myself, I adore that I have red hair and freckles (it's one of the reasons my wife fell in love with me so i'm not going to argue), and that if I work a little bit my shoulders become muscly. But it wasn't enough for me, asthma and chest infections, and ankle pain and knee pain wasn't something that I was just going to accept, and live with. For the past 4 months I have been training, gradually letting my body discover some limits, and smashing them. I now try and do up to 3 hours of Ballet a week, I can bike ride for KM's and actually enjoy it, swimming isn't hard anymore, and best of all, I can run! Actually go for a god damn run. I am pushing myself physically, and it feels really bloody good. I enjoy not eating the choccy biccies too often, abstaining from alcohol and crap food sometimes, and hopefully I will feel (excuse the french) fucking amazing as I cross that finish line at the end of my triathlon. I can do things, and it feels good!**
** There is also a small amount of ego involved when you go running with a good friend and they comment on your good body in a tri suit... small things make me happy when you've put this much training in!
My internal self, or George as I sometimes call her (I don't have multiple personalities I just happen to like to have a cool name sometimes) has been through a lot, mainly thanks to myself. I won't go into details, but the idea of settling the seas upon which my boat rocks is a nice idea. Writing helps, putting words onto the white page, watching the flashing cursor jump and dance across the screen as a scene plays itself out across it. Instead of just relying on the sitting by myself tool of writing I am talking, to some of you, you could never imagine me being quiet, to some of you, I could never be loud, but I am learning to balance this out, thinking things through, talking and taking a deep breath calms George, calms me and helps me see how light the world can be. I've asked for things, instead of complaining that no-one understands, i've stood up and asked for it, the pulsing blood through my veins as I fought my self esteem was hard, but its amazing how zen you can feel when you take control. I may not be able to jump head first into a whole new life, but little things, help. I have whole weeks when I am calm, peaceful and content. Who knew 8 years ago that would happen. I'm looking after my dream and it doesn't feel selfish at all.
I fully accept that other people may take the quote from the novel, and twirl intricate meanings that are different from my own, but my life, as I have lived with those words for the past 6 years, has moulded these words to this.
It's been 7 months since I wrote about my new years resolutions, I've been editing my novel, I've been writing (though not enough) and in 5 days time I am going to run the South West Triathlon. For the next 5/6 months I think I need to work on my dream me, if I keep up this training and build my confidence the Atom will develop. Write more, submit more work to people, write articles, reviews general short stories, grow some confidence in my inner me and just feel like the words that are in my head have a voice.
Why don't you come along for the ride?
*I am desperate for these three words as a tatoo somewhere on my body, alas I cannot decide where so I shall wait until the inspiration hits.
Monday, 11 April 2011
Set your standards high ladies...

Saturday, 12 March 2011
'How honesty broke this lesbian heart'
*spoilers for UK people who haven’t seen the Glee and Pretty Little Liars episodes that aired w/c 7th March*
I’m going to admit this right here, right now. I cried on Wednesday evening, curled up on my sofa with the laptop resting on my lap, with the only sound that could be heard were the racking sobs as I tried to compose myself. I was inconsolable, my wife came home, unsuspecting, and within minutes I was clutched against her again, feeling the sobs run through me. You would think now, (unless you know me personally of course) that something heartbreaking had happened, in a sense it had, I watched Glee.
Those of you in the UK may not be aware of the episode that aired on Tuesday night in the US, and some, like me, like to watch the brand new episodes so that you can have the delight of watching them twice. This episode, was different though, different from the rest of Glee, from the rest of anything really. It was honest. Heartbreaking, this was me, wish I’d not waited till I was alone, why didn’t I have this, honest.

Whether you like Santana as the bitchy cheerleader, or the crying vulnerable wreak we saw at the end, no-one can dispute Naya Rivera’s skills at portraying a feeling that EVERYONE, straight, gay, lesbian, bi, and all the others, have felt. The confusion of feelings, the pain at letting them out, and the heartbreak at admitting that everything could change.
And it’s not just Glee, I then watched ‘Pretty Little Liars’, some of you might look at me and ask why? Because it’s a really good show, and I didn’t know that Paige would do ‘that’ speech; I was delicate enough after Glee, but TV is finally being honest (and I am not complaining), yes, its drama, its heightened, it’s made glossy and shiney, but its honest. That pain that was burning across Paige’s eye’s when she looked at Emily and admitted, that, for now, she was so scared of everything changing, in a world that was always changing anyway (adolescence) that she couldn’t admit it, couldn’t admit that she was gay, that pain was real. That pain I felt sting my cheeks as I sat alone in my bedroom at university, knowing that perhaps, if I were honest, if I had the courage to open that door and talk to someone about what my heart was telling me, life would alter so epically that I might not even be left standing.

That pain that Santana felt, at the labels, at the confusion, at the complete emotional turmoil at admitting something like that, we’ve all had that, we may not have had the courage to say it out loud, to risk it, but we’ve all done it, straight, gay, lesbian, bi, whatever, we’ve all had that heart-wrenching moment when we realize that the prize is far greater than the risk, for Santana it was Brittney, for me it was the searing pain of realizing that I was falling in love with a best friend. I spent many a cold, lonely night sat on steps outside the union trying to gain enough courage to be in the same room as her, or to tell her. (in the end I was lucky, she kissed me, and then through the process of texts/emails we worked out what we could be). But dear god did it hurt in the process!
In Pretty Little Liars Paige has the experience of Emily to see how the world changes, we as the audience have already gone through everything with Emily, the pain, the heartbreak the sheer frustration and the inevitable let down of teenage life. She’s worried, but she goes to Emily, talks to her, and maybe, we might see in the long-term, that she finds the courage that we all, hopefully, inevitably find.
Santana and Britney, have the delightful (serious girl crush on her right now) Holly Holiday, she is exactly what those two girls needed, someone who didn’t judge, didn’t try to seem concerned, she just opened up the forum (with some killer jokes) and let them explore. I must admit to finding their talk with her, my downfall.
Until I went to university I was sheltered, not purposefully, not intentionally, but I was sheltered. Innocent, naïve; and looking back; very different from them all. What 16 year old, hasn’t kissed anyone but their first (and only) boyfriend at 12? What 16 year old wishes that somehow the empty loss in her would just go away, but doesn’t really know why it all doesn’t feel right, as if the body she is in isn’t really there, that it’s as if she is the ghost to her twin sisters reality. Come to think about it, there are probably countless/thousands of people just like me, but I hope, now, with the creation of these honest dialogues, these storylines that bring it to the forefront, that it’s ok to be confused, its ok to want something different, maybe now, even just a little, there will be a few less teenagers who don’t know, even if they have to work through their feelings, at least they know that someone, somewhere before them, has been there. I wish I’d had someone to talk to, it took me until I was nearly 19 to have ‘that’ conversation with anyone.
I’m excited to see the next steps in these journeys, to see if Paige, over the space of the series can find a small amount of courage to be herself (and I wish her all the best because I wish I’d even had the courage to talk to one person about my fear at that age). I’m excited to see if Britana will develop, and at this moment, I don’t care that Britney is with Artie, because as much as I want to wrap Santana up in a cuddle and never let her go, this is an honest story, so lets keep it so.

We all have so many stories to tell, we are all so different with different lives, lets see some more, different stories on TV. And I’m even proud to talk about the storylines with colleagues, with friends, with anyone who will god-damn listen, because this is big, this is visibility in US shows that people watch with their parents/siblings/friends and for once, lesbians exist!